Peek Inside a Chicken’s Life Cycle

A life cycle is a series of stages a living thing goes through during its life. All plants and animals go through life cycles.

This is a fun concept to learn during the Spring because Spring is when a lot of new life cycles begin with baby animals being born!

When we talk about life cycles, you will learn new names for the animals in each stage. Just like humans grow from:

babies —> toddlers —> children —> teenagers and finally adults…

Animals also have specific names for each stage of life too.

  1. Egg
    A hen will sit diligently on her eggs for 21 days. We call this a broody hen and she is one you don’t want to mess with!

  2. Hatchling
    When Day 21 arrives, you will be greeted by lots of peeping sounds. Initial babies are “wet” but dry off quickly and turn into those cute little fuzz balls that we can’t resist.

  3. Chick
    Chicks are the cutest little fuzz balls and require warmth, water, food and protection. Within a few weeks you will notice that they begin to shed off their fluffy feathers and grow their first real feathers.

  4. Adult
    Once their real feathers all grow in, they are able to survive in the weather conditions and grow quickly into adults! Hens will lay their first eggs around 6-8 months.

Make sure to listen to our Episode 8- Chickens while learning with the life cycle printable. Make sure to tag my on Instagram at @hearthemroarpod of your kiddo(s) and their binoculars!

PSSTTTTT… This craft came straight from our Chicken Learning Bundle! If you loved this craft and want to have a full bundle of math, literacy and experiment ideas to complete alongside this week’s episode - make sure to grab this learning bundle!


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